Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What an Ethical Promotional Campaign Looks Like (by MakeUp Forever)

Make Up Forever's MAKE UP BAG REMIX is a promotional campaign showing genuine love towards its target demographic. Here's why it's a winner, both in terms of responsible marketing and a successful promo campaign.

The premise of Make Up Bag Remix is: "Bring your make up bag and our pros will teach you how to use what you already own them during a hands-on lesson."

Why is this so awesome?

1.  All promotional campaigns give away free stuff in the hopes of attracting people to the brand. Mostly though, it's either free samples of their own product or even worse, free shit no one wants (branded pens, branded ponchos, branded car air fresheners).
    In contrast, Make Up Forever went into the trouble of thinking about what "free product" people would actually want. Anyone that wears make up knows that the whole thing works on trial and error.. Make Up Forever's target demographic ( i.e. anyone that wears make up) would love to use their current products more effectively (to last longer, look nicer, match better) and that's what they've offered.

2. Moreover, what the campaign is doing is helping you use up your old products. Sadly, this is a revolutionary concept in our world today, the opposite of "keep buying more shit." Unlike the Sephora advisor who insisted I need to throw out my nearly-new lipstick every season "because it's outdated," the Make Up Bag Remix campaign is ethical. They are trying to help you use your old products, letting you be responsible about shopping, save money, create less waste, and still come out wearing makeup.

3. Finally, my favorite part of the campaign is that you can bring in any brand of makeup to the event. I like it because simply, it's the right thing to do. It's inclusive and feels educational, not sales-y. This is the type of behaviour that generates long-term goodwill for a brand. The high schooler that can't yet afford the steep prices of MakeUp Forever? If the event teaches them about applying foundation the right way, she'll remember the brand when she's old enough to afford it.

Of course, it is critical that the execution of the campaign deliver on its premise.  If at the Toronto event, the make up artists keep trying to sell me new Make Up Forever products to compliment my existing collection, I will be sorely disappointed. However, the initial idea is wonderful and I have high hopes for the actual event! What do you think?