
To be critical means "Expressing or involving an analysis of a creative work or performance"

As consumers, we have gotten used to living in a Brandwashed society. We look at thousands of advertisements daily, choose and change our brand loyalties often and spend time telling our friends about our favorite brands. Yet we rarely ever think critically about the brands that surround us.

My blog aims to counteract this.

By taking a closer, deeper look at everyday brands, we can all become a little more brand literate. We can celebrate the good brands and enjoy advertisements as an art form. We can pressure the "bad" brands to become more responsible and delve into marketing ethics (not an oxymoron!) We can start to think about how marketing coincides with other areas of society - with gender, culture norms, education and more. 


Blog disclaimer: Everything I write about in this blog are absolutely my own opinions. My employer (especially my employer), co-workers, friends, and clients had nothing to do with them.