Friday, December 31, 2010

Ready Made New Year's Resolutions

Why bother trying to come up with meaningful (and creative!) New Year's Resolutions when you can simply choose from the company that makes a living off resolutions all year round?

Presenting the most powerful of its branding tools, the Lululemon Manifesto:

Go ahead! Pick one for 2011.


  1. I couldnt have said it better :)

  2. I'm someone who tries to avoid brand-name consumerism. I'm always disgusted by the incredibly high prices that people are willing to pay, just to wear that little logo. Not to mention the "have / have not" society these logos create. I wouldn't ever consider buying from Lululemon.... BUT I do love their bags, for the positive messages emblazened on them (along with the logo). As a result, I've been known to carry around one, passed on to me by some other consumer. Hypocrite? Sadly, I'm afriad so.

    ~ Tracy
