ArKay starting selling the world’s first “non-alcoholic” whisky a couple of months ago. My first reaction was… WHAT’S THE POINT? I’ve never known anyone to drink that bitter-throat-burning liquid to fulfill their taste palette:
But then I discovered the marketing plans behind this. In the United Kingdom (and elsewhere), they are marketing ArKay as a “halal whisky.” Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol as it is not “halal” or not permitted. By associating themselves with this “halal” concept, they can make massive sales of the huge Muslim demographic that are currently not alcohol-buyers.
At the end of the day though, I’m still not convinced. If I didn’t alcohol for religious purposes, I would much rather replace it with something delicious like pineapple juice, while laughing at my friends drinking what-I-imagine-gasoline-tastes-like-whisky.