Welcome to
- It takes forever to load, and simply moving your mouse moves the whole scene around.
- The creepy real-people-in-a-cartoon-background all speak at you, often freezing
- If they attempt to list their products anywhere, I couldn't find it.
- They place way, way, way too much emphasis on all this health and nutritional stuff. Does Dole really need a section for men's health, one for women's health and a different one for fitness and prevention?
- None of the "blog-type" sections has been updated since 2008. Most updates were in 2005 (I'm assuming this was when the site was made.
- There's a whole bunch of videos hidden under "Dole TV" which cannot be found elsewhere on the Internet (hint: Youtube channel anyone?)
- The Super Kids section is overstuffed with games, comics, music and a lot of other budget intensive things that I'm sure no kids really visit anyway.
- It is impossible to navigate your way around simply to anything. Click on pink-shirt-lady, then the package-of-fruits-with-halo, then the banana, then the banana again to reach the page that gives you nutritional information about fruits and veggies.
- Did I mention clutter? It's overflowing with content. I feel overwhelmed and overloaded and just simply don't have the patience...